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Criminal Investigations


A member of the Sheriff's Office testing drugs.

Detective Harper and Detective Abernathy process evidence at the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.

 The Criminal Investigations Division is responsible for conducting follow-up investigations of reported crimes and initiates the investigation of detected criminal activity. The division is comprised of two sections, the general investigations section and the drug unit.

Two members of the Sheriff's Office on scene at a crime in the woods.

Detectives generally conduct follow up investigations into crimes that have already been reported to uniformed patrol deputies. Detectives also handle most crime scene investigations where they gather physical evidence which is often later forensically examined. 

While new advances in technology such as DNA analysis, automated fingerprint identification (AFIS), etc., have dramatically changed forensics, most crimes investigated by detectives are solved the old-fashioned way. That way involves pounding the streets, identifying, locating, and interviewing scores of witnesses and informants, then putting all of it together for the prosecutors who eventually bring the cases to trial. 

Two members of the Sheriff's Office in front of a patrol vehicle on scene at a crime.

 Contact Information:

 Det. Chris Harper
 Det. Harry Luke
 Det. Darryl Turk