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Coronavirus/COVID-19 Update (May)

Date: 05/01/2020

May 1, 2020


Governor Kemp's Executive Order declaring a Public Health Emergency in Georgia remains in effect until June 12, 2020. His Executive Order to "shelter in place" has been lifted except for persons over 65 years of age and people who are medically fragile.


Restaurants, hair salons, barber shops, nail salons, fitness centers, tattoo businesses, etc., can now open for business with specific distancing, sanitation, and safety requirements. Businesses that fail to follow the requirements may be shut down and the operators of those businesses will be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution for violating the governor's order. This is a link to the state guidelines for businesses


All bars, public pools, amusement parks, and live performance venues remained closed.


The prohibition on vacation and short-term property rentals has now been lifted.


Counties and cities are still prohibited from passing resolutions or enacting ordinances that conflict with the governor's orders.


The Putnam County Courthouse will reopen on Monday, May 4, 2020. All persons entering the building will be screened and have their temperature taken by deputies at the security checkpoint. Anyone having a temperature of 100 or more will not be admitted into the building. Social distancing rules will be in effect in all offices.


The Probate Court has advised in accordance with the Supreme Court's Judicial Emergency Order that applications for Weapons Carry Licenses will not resume until May 14, 2020 and it will be necessary to make an appointment before coming to the office.


We need to remember that this pandemic is still very much with us and it is just as deadly as it was to start with. As of today, there have been more than 26,000 cases in Georgia. We have experienced 42 cases here in Putnam County and 5 of those cases resulted in death.   It is imperative that we continue to follow the guidelines of the CDC and the Georgia Department of Public Health.


Howard R. Sills, Sheriff