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Entering Auto crimes

Date: 11/22/2019

People need to be aware that we are experiencing yet another rash of "Entering Auto" crimes throughout the county and two of our neighboring counties.  Since mid October there have been 44 incidents in Putnam, Baldwin, and Greene Counties where criminals have broken into, or entered unlocked vehicles, parked in residential yards or home garages.  These crimes are usually taking place between midnight and 4:00AM.  Most of the incidents have occurred in the Lake Oconee area of Putnam and Greene, but there have been others inside the city limits of Eatonton and other areas of Putnam and Baldwin.  These thieves steal whatever of value they can find in the vehicles and of course they always take any firearm they find.  These stolen weapons are too often used in other crimes.


I strongly urge you lock your vehicles and your garages especially during the night hours and implore you not to leave firearms in your car. 


Should you find yourself a victim of a similar incident please report it promptly and call us if you have any information related to these offenses.






Sheriff Howard R. Sills

Putnam County, Georgia

Eatonton, GA  31024-3637


(706)485-4840 (fax)

(478)288-7965 (cell)